Institut für Kulturwissenschaft - Christina von Braun
Full texts in English and French
- The Price of Money: A Psycho-Cultural History, 2012
- Symbol and Symptom. The Gender of the Alphabet, 2011
- The Headscarf – an Empty Signifier, 2009
- Imaginary Walls: Communism and Capitalism in Germany - Plenary Lecture at the Conference "Walls in our Heads. Political Division & Culture Imaginaries" 22-24.10.2009
- Is there a "Christian" and a "Jewish" Avant-garde?, 2004
- Knowledge and the Body, 2004
- Lady Music: The Female Characters in the Works of Richard Wagner, 2004
- Richard Wagner: A Poisonous Drink, 1996
- Male Hysteria, Female Asceticism - On Paradigm Revisions of Sex Roles, 1992
- L'hystérie des signes dans l'écriture, la religion, l'économie, 2004
- ‚Le Juif‘ et ‚la femme‘: deux stéréotypes de ‘l’autre’ dans l’antisémitisme allemand du XIXe siècle, 1996
Impressum - letzte Aktualisierung: 21.12.2017